About Alchemy
Addiction Recovery


Our Mission

Alchemy Recovery provides individualized client care in a healthy, non–judgmental environment, welcoming individuals, families, and communities. Our caring, addiction-trained supportive staff uses established, holistic, medical, and innovative treatment options for those struggling with addiction challenges to improve their quality of life. Ultimately the mission is transformation to a life of connection, relationship, peace and prosperity.


Our Philosophy

Our treatment approach offers personalized care designed to meet the unique needs of each person. We focus on teaching recovery skills, increasing social support, improving communication skills, identifying coping strategies, providing education and accountability, connecting people to community resources, and encouraging spiritual development. We believe in creating meaningful relationships, promoting self–awareness, and instilling hope. Our primary goal is to help our clients find a balance between stability and growth in their lives.


What Is Alchemy’s Commitment?

Alchemy is committed to restoring hope to all those who suffer from the damaging effects of addiction problems. If you are concerned that you or someone you love may have an addiction with its physical, emotional, and behavioral challenges, you don’t have to deal with it alone. We specialize in helping individuals and families acquire the skills necessary to achieve lasting recovery. It’s never too late to start the healing process, but it’s important to act now.


We offer a variety of holistic treatment options, including individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, educational groups, and aftercare programs. We believe in providing personalized treatment plans that promote a healthy balance between the biological, psychological, spiritual, and environmental components of recovery. Our caring team of professionals is here to help you or your loved one find the tools for a lasting recovery.

We recognize that everyone’s story is unique, and we strive to provide solutions that respect and honor individual experiences. No matter where you or your loved one is in the journey, our dedicated, experienced team is here to support you every step of the way. Take the first step towards lasting recovery and contact us today. Let us join you on the journey to lasting health and happiness.

Where Transformation Begins

Alchemy’s doors are open, waiting to welcome you to our recovery family. We provide personalized treatment by a team of dedicated treatment professionals in an accepting and compassionate environment. Our state–of–the–art rapid assessment is designed to quickly meet the unique and urgent needs of each person who seeks our help. Our programs support alternative approaches to healing through creative expression and personal growth. Our integrated behavioral health teams offer specially tailored interventions to ensure highest satisfaction of each person’s individual needs. Join us in celebrating the power of our shared recovery journey.


We invite you to take the first step toward recovery and follow a path toward a deeper awakening. Although one’s true self may be clouded by ego, circumstances, and the self–serving chaos that is addiction, a shift can be made inside each and every person. When that shift happens, everyone notices. A new calmness radiates from those who have experienced it. It is a state of peace, empathy, clarity, and understanding. Together, we will explore the power of this shift and open you up to the possibility and potential of renewal and a life of sobriety. We honor your courage to begin and will walk with you on your journey to healing.

Group of Friends Hiking in Forest

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Call our team for a confidential consultation.